Mining & Mineral Processing
A.H. Lundberg Systems offers many environmental process solutions to solve the unique challenges faced by the mining and mineral processing industry.
We provide systems to handle, off-load, and store most chemicals used in process industries, including sulphuric acid, sodium chlorate, chlorine, sodium hydroxide and molten sulphur.
Custom equipment designed by A.H. Lundberg can range from specialized pressure vessels to distillation columns, hot gas quenchers, and specialized mixer/reactors.
Our services and system solutions include:
- Process mechanical & instrumentation design, operational & safety audits, cost studies and on-site troubleshooting
- Sulphur burners for gold mine cyanide destruction applications
- Wet Electrostatic Precipitators (Wet ESP) on ore dryers for acid mist elimination
- Sulphur dioxide (SO2) adsorption systems (FGD scrubber)
- Evaporator and crystallizer for wastewater treatment
- Incineration systems, including direct fired oxidizer (DFO) and regenerative oxidizers (RTO and RCO)
- Custom heat exchangers, such as autoclave flash vapour condensers, and
- Specialty equipment, including hot gas quenchers, phase separation technologies, and safety system components